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Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School

Home of the Blue Devils

Things Every Student Should Know

RLS Middle School 

Students, Parents and Staff 



As a student, I am responsible to:

  • Believe I can learn.
  • Respect the school, staff, students, and families.
  • Be in each class on time and attend school daily.
  • Arrive at school with appropriate materials and ready to work.
  • Get adequate sleep and proper nutrition.
  • Seek information regarding my academic progress.
  • Complete all learning tasks and assignments.
  • Utilize a study area at home.
  • Limit my television viewing and electronic entertainment.
  • Follow the school rules and dress code.
  • Refrain from using a cell phone/device on campus any time during the school day.

As a parent, I am responsible to:

  • Believe my child can learn.
  • Ensure that my child gets adequate sleep, regular medical attention and proper nutrition.
  • Support my son/daughter by ensuring that he/she attends school daily and arrives at school on time.
  • Seek information regarding my son’s/daughter’s progress by conferring with teachers, principals, counselors, and other school personnel.
  • Participate at school in activities such as parent meetings, school decision making, volunteering and/or attending parent-teacher conferences.
  • Provide a quiet time and place for homework, as well as monitor television viewing, limit electronic entertainment activities and monitor extra-curricularactivities’ impact on school.
  • Support the school in developing positive behaviors in my child.
  • Support the school’s discipline and dress code.
  • Respect the school, staff, students and families.

As school staff, we are responsible to:

  • Believe all students can learn.
  • Participate in school activities.
  • Use a variety of methods and tools to teach.
  • Provide clear expectations for academic achievement.
  • Encourage daily attendance at school.
  • Enforce and be consistent with school policy.
  • Show students respect through actions and words.
  • Keep the classroom, school office and school grounds clean and organized.
  • Hold students accountable for their actions and words.
  • Give timely and accurate feedback on student class-work.
  • Maintain communication with parents.