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Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School

Home of the Blue Devils


Instructional Program Overview

RLS continues to uphold SHUSD board and district goals of professional excellence and all students learning. The ultimate purpose and goal of the instructional programs at Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School is to raise academic expectations for all students, close the achievement gap between subgroups, provide a safe and caring environment, and use technology as an integral tool for teaching and learning.

At our site, students are divided into grade-level academic teams. Each grade-level team of teachers creates an atmosphere of trust and success for all students. Each student receives daily instruction in math, science, social studies, English, physical education, World Wheel, and elective classes.

Teachers have a daily prep period and a collaboration period build into their workday. The collaboration period is used for cross-curricular integration, site parent meetings, study-trip/experience planning, data review and discussions. Academic student reviews are completed for each eighth-grader each year and all students participate in Student Led Conferences (SLCs) toward the end of the school year. Parent-teacher conferences, Student Support Team (SST) meetings, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings, and behavior-contract meetings are held during the school day with the grade-level teams, counselor, and principal present.