Student Support Services
At RLS, we are fortunate to have several therapists through The Up Valley Family Center (UVFC) and Mentis who are able to see students during the school day. Every effort is made to pull students out of non-core classes for some brief, solution-focused counseling in an effort to help them be successful at school. We are also able to assist you with referrals to the UVFC and Mentis for other counseling services for students and/or their families. Please feel free to contact me at 707-967-2725 or email me at:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
At any time during the school year, you may contact me and I'll set up a parent/teacher conference so you and I may meet with your student and his/her teachers to help him/her be as successful as possible. Your child does not necessarily need to be struggling in school to have a conference. Sometimes, parents feel that it is helpful to meet their student's teachers and have questions answered. On occasion, teachers or I will schedule a conference, so please do not be alarmed if you are contacted about a conference. We just want to be proactive and have seen the benefits of providing a time for students, parents, and staff to meet.
CLARA/CLARO (Challenging Latinos to Access Resources and Opportunities)
CLARO and CLARA started in Los Angeles and was introduced to Napa in 2000 to address cultural adaptation issues for first- and second-generation Latino boys and girls growing up in America. One day a week, a CLARO rep and a CLARA rep meet with students to discuss lessons in the CLARO/CLARA curriculum which stresses morals and values as told through stories about caring, friendship and helping others. Our CLARO/CLARA reps have established some great relationships with our students during their weekly lunch meetings.
"In addition to being pre-teens/teens and dealing with the identity issues that come with this age, many of our Latino students have cultural issues to deal with as well. If you would like more information about CLARO/CLARA, please feel free to contact me at 707-927-2725 or email me at: