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Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School

Home of the Blue Devils

CDE Title IX Reporting


The California Department of Education (CDE) has issued the Education Equity 2015-2016 Program Instrument used to monitor local education agency (LEA) compliance with laws on equity in the treatment of students.  The guidance identifies a new Title lX reporting requirement enacted by Senate Bill (SB) 1349 that added section 22.19 to the Education code, requiring that, beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, school sites public:  1. total school enrollment by gender, 2. total number of students who participate in athletics, classified by gender, and 3. total number of school athletic teams, classified by gender, sport, and competition level.

Total School Enrollment by Gender:

Total 2023-2024 Enrollment Male Enrollment

Female Enrollment

243 125 118

Total Number of Students Who Participated in Athletics by Gender:

Total Athlete Participants Male Students Female Students
66 37 29



Total Number of School Athletic Teams, Classified by Gender, Sport, and Competition Level:

Teams Male Athletes Competition Level Female Athletes

Competition Level

Basketball (Boys) 11 8th Grade - -
  11 6th & 7th Grade - -
Basketball (Girls) - - 10 8th Grade
  - - 10

6th & 7th Grade

Soccer (Co-ed) 20 8th Grade 8 8th Grade
  12 6th & 7th Grade 7

6th & 7th Grade

Track & Field (Boys) 1 8th Grade - -
  7 6th & 7th Grade - -
Track & Field (Girls) - - 0 8th Grade
  - - 5

6th & 7th Grade

Volleyball - - 13 8th Grade
  - - 12

6th & 7th Grade

Wrestling (Boys) 7 6th-8th By Weight 4

6th-8th By Weight