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Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School

Home of the Blue Devils

Welcome Parents

Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School provides an abundance of opportunities for parents to become actively involved. 

  • The AVID Site Team includes two parents and two students. 
  • The Parent Group (PG) meets on the second Monday of each month.  The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) group meets five times per year.  PG helps generate funds in support of school programs and both groups provide parent-education programs and meet with the principal to hear about what's happening at RLS.
  • Parents complete a volunteer form each year letting the school know if they would like to volunteer in classrooms, at dances, and in other school-related activities. In addition, curriculum and leadership committees exist, as well as chaperone opportunities for field trips.
  • Parents are needed to serve on our School Site Council and provide input on how we spend our school funds.

For more information on how to become involved at the school, please contact the school office at (707) 967-2725.