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Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School

Home of the Blue Devils

Athletic Program Academic and Behavior Policy


As student athletes, you will have privileges and experiences that require a higher degree of focus, behavior, and moral code.  When a student joins or makes a competitive after school athletic team, we ask that they read this code of conduct with their parent/guardian and sign at the bottom. The code of conduct is based on our 5 core values here at Robert Louis Stevenson. 

  • Self-control
  • Perseverance
  • Respect
  • Empathy
  • Integrity

Failure to comply with these values in accordance with North Valley League rules as well as school and district expectations may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the team. In-school discipline problems resulting in a Suspension of any kind will, at a minimum, result in removal from the day's competition and may result in dismissal from the athletic team. Repeated offenses of school rules will be considered in continued eligibility the day of a contest as well as on the season of sport.  Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA with no more than 1 F during their season and must demonstrate that they meet this criteria to make or join a team. If they are or fall below this mark on a progress report or report card, they will be placed on a two-week probation, as outlined in subsequent pages. 

Students must be present at school in order to participate in after school sports barring a doctor’s note. Extraneous circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis.



All students who would like to tryout and participate on any of the RLS Athletic teams must have all the required physical forms turned into the office before they are allowed to tryout or practice with a team (no exceptions). Physicals are good for one year from date. We encourage students who are interested playing on an athletic team to get a physical and all forms turned in to the office at the beginning of the school year so that they will be eligible to tryout for any sport throughout the entire school year.

Students trying out for or being a member of a school athletic team must meet academic and behavioral standards. Academically, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (C average) with no more than one  “F” grade on the previous report card. 

Failure to comply with the code of conduct values in accordance with North Valley League rules as well as school and district expectations may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the team. In-school discipline problems resulting in a Suspension of any kind will, at a minimum, result in removal from the day's competition and may result in dismissal from the athletic team. Repeated offenses of school rules will be considered in continued eligibility the day of a contest as well as on the season of sport.

It is very important that student athletes attend all practices and games. The Coach or Athletic Director should be notified if a student athlete misses any practice or game. If three unexcused absences occur during the season, an athlete may be dismissed from the team. Full attendance during the school day is required in order to practice or play on that day or the day before if there is a weekend game or tournament. The exception would be for a student who misses class for a medical appointment or funeral. Also, a student is required to participate in full Physical Education class in order to practice or play on that day.